Hygiene United Methodist Church
Open Hearts - Open Minds - Open Doors

About Us

On November 4, 1904, Mr. Bickerdike sold an acre of his alfalfa field for $200 so that the Methodist Episcopal Church of Hygience could be built. The church was dedicated on January 21, 1906. At that time, Reverend E. M. Lemming was the minister, membership was 18, and there were 50 children were enrolled in Sunday school.
The first wedding in the church took place September 1, 1914, between Marietta Moody and Pastor L. W. Wells. It was a golden rod wedding and there were sniffles and tears, some probably due to hay fever from the golden rod flowers. By 1916, membership had grown to 57. In 1917, as the Great War enveloped the nation, the Ladies Aid dispensed lunches at their meetings and gave money to support the war effort. Many members sewed and knitted and the song of the hour was "Keep the Home Fires Burning." The Spanish Influenza outbreak of 1918 took its toll and a lot of funerals were held outdoors. Claude Depew was stationed at Camp Dix in New Jersey and died in September of 1918. His funeral was the first military funeral held at the Hygiene Church.
Beginning in 1954, the church struggle financially and the ladies of the church were determined to do something about it. Out of this group of ladies came the first Hobo Dinners to raise money for the church. The first Hobo Dinner consisted of fried potatoes, turnips, fresh tomatoes, and other foods that came from area gardens. It was a great sucess and continues today with a slightly different menu.

In 1955, an electric organ was purchased for $1200. Every Sunday, 20 youths in the Junior Choir and 15 adults in the Senior Choir provided music during morning service. Bible school was held each summer for one week.
Also in 1955, the church began to build Fellowship Hall using a Timm frame structure. The frame of the building was erected by the company sell the material and finished by members of the church. In 1958, the Sunday school addition was built using all volunteer labor from the church and the community.
The MYF youth of the church decided that the church needed a bell for the tower, so they raised funds and purchased the bell of a train engine. It served for quite a few years until the present bell was purchased from the Altona School District for $62. This bell rings each Sunday.
Today, The Hygiene United Methodist Church continues to be a vital part of the communities of Hygiene and Longmont, under the guidance of the Reverand Joshua Walker. Church services beginning each Sunday at 10am and fellowship time following service. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts regularly use the ample grounds and building of the church.

Our Passing the Baton Service 6/24/2018